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Please review the policy before requesting the meeting room. Thank you.

Facilities use Request Form.


To ensure the maintenance of our facility, the following guidelines have been prepared for the use of the meeting rooms.

Fire Training Center

12424 76th Ave. S.

Capacity: 60


Fire department activities, including programs presented by fire department staff or other organizations affiliated with the fire department, have priority. During public use hours, when the fire department is not using meeting rooms, they are available for use by Westhill residents and organizations gathering to conduct nonprofit, civic, cultural, or educational related activities.

To Reserve a Meeting Room

  • A Public Meeting Room Agreement form must be completed. contacting 206‐772-1430

  • There is a limit of one meeting per applicant or organization per week.

  • Approved reservations will be accepted on a first-come, first-serve basis.

  • If a meeting has been canceled, applicants shall notify the fire department.

  • King County Fire District #20 reserves the right to deny or cancel the use of its facilities when it is deemed that persons or property might be endangered and/or when the activity in any way might be prejudicial to or not in the best interest of the fire department and the residents of Westhill.

  • If the department’s audio-visual or electronic equipment will be used, applicants must receive training on its use prior to the meeting. Training shall be scheduled in advance.

User Responsibilities

  • A responsible adult over the age of 18 shall be present. If children are present, they must be supervised.

  • Meeting room doors must be closed while conducting meetings during regular business hours.

  • The conduct of the meeting will be respectable and well-governed.

  • The sponsoring group/organization will be responsible for providing any specific non-facility ADA-required accommodations.

  • Upon completion of the meeting, close and lock all entry doors.

  • No group may consider the King County Fire District #20 its permanent meeting place or use the department as its mailing address.


Prohibited Activities

  • Use of fire department facilities for commercial, fundraising events, or religious activity is strictly prohibited.

  • Fire department facilities shall not be used for political endeavors or political activities.

  • Alcoholic beverages are not permitted in this facility or on this property.

  • The use of tobacco products is permitted in the designated smoking area only.

  • No animals/pets are allowed in the meeting room except for guides or service dogs.

  • Use of hazardous materials is prohibited.

Food and Beverages

  • All refreshments and drinks shall be consumed inside the meeting room.

Office Equipment

  • Public groups and individuals who use the meeting room are guests of the King County Fire District #20; therefore, no other areas or equipment are authorized for public use.

  • Audio-visual or electronic equipment is available for public use, provided prior training on its use has been received.

  • Groups wishing to bring audio visual or electronic equipment in from another source must have prior approval.

 Room Configuration/Cleaning

  • Tables and chairs are available for your use. You are responsible for returning the meeting room to its classroom setup. The room shall be vacated by the ending time indicated on the room agreement.

  • No decorations or application of materials to walls or floors will be allowed without permission.

  • Applicants must remove, at their expense, material, equipment, or furnishings not included in the Public Meeting Room Agreement.

  • Countertops and tables shall be cleaned. Debris shall be removed from the carpet.

As You Leave

The responsible party shall ensure that all entry doors are locked and closed.


  • Users are responsible for any damage to King County Fire District #20 property and will be assessed the cost of repair and any associated staff time.

  • The applicant is responsible for any property loss or damage incurred while using the facility. Fire Department personnel will conduct a walkthrough of the room before and after each meeting. The department shall determine the amount of any damage or additional cleaning costs necessary and present to the group/individual using the facility. This determination shall be at the sole discretion of the Fire Department.



  • King County Fire District #20 shall not be held responsible for any injury to persons or loss or damage to personal property in the use of its facilities.

  • King County Fire District #20 reserves the right to deny or suspend usage by any group that does not abide by the stated guidelines.

  • In the event of a disaster or other department emergency, use of the meeting room shall be canceled without advance notice.

Facilities use Request Form.

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